Hi every one!
 today Im going to be blogging about my favorite subject at my career.
When I was at school, specially on my seniors years I used to enjoy a lot subjects that used to had calculation like math, but physics was my favorite and when I started at dentistry, the diferents subjects at the career doesn´t have to much math, so for me was kind of boring studying, but I since I was a child I wanted to be a dentist so that´s why I keep here.

I suffer a lot my first year, I hate most of the subjects, but this year I had diagnosis, and I really enjoy it.
At this subject we study microbiology, biochemistry and physiology, the firsts ones are my favorites subjects at this class, I think that the fact that we are studying on line, makes this easier, but also we lost a lot of labs so it has disadvantages.

 I think that this subject it could be a Little bit tedious, cause you have to study a lot, but when you finally get it, feels amazing!


  1. What a lovely entry Mirta! Interesting to see the evolution regarding your perceptions about topics and the one you like...Hope you can be great on microbiology and the others!

  2. I think that throughout the career there will be subjects that we like and others that we will hate, but it is true what you say, we have to make that effort and get to be dentists

  3. I have hearded that diagnosis its really hard, but you make it sound really interesting and easy to study , I hope do it soon.


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