Hi there!

 Today im  going to be blogging about  myths on oral health, well  at the actuallity, there is a LOT of desinformation, specially on media that can induce you big problems with your oral health.

A lot of products who are  patrocined by influencers to have wither teeth or vegan toothpaste that  are “more natural and good for you” are sold by instagram and if you don´t use them with the control of a specialist you can have a lot of problems that you can evite...
 but dont worry! At this blog im going to explain you some of the most famous and commons myhts that you should know for having a good oral health.

Lets start with the famous vegan toothpaste that its fluorine free, the first thing that you should know is that for your oral health, the fluorine its your best friend!  It avoid caries and it doesnt´t cause you autism, its not scientifically proven, so you can use fluorinated toothpaste without fear.

The second myth is that “if you brush you teeth hard, it would be cleaner”, that its completely false!  Your brushing it should be soft with a soft toothbrush and is not normal that your periodont bleed, if this happens to you, go to a dentist.

And I could keep going writting myths that are common on people, but its our responsability to know things that are good or bad for us before using them, so I would post some tips that could be usedfull for you and let me know if you had heard one of them before!

See you on my next post.


  1. Besides from learning a lot, this entry is hugely interesting. Hope more info like could be available for common people to see it. Many would avoid having a bad mouth health. Thanks for sharing!

  2. It's true, a lot of people believe everything they see on social networks and in this case that can be a bit harmful when we talk about oral care, you should share this on more networks

  3. I agree with you, there is too much information on the networks, and people doesn't know how to discriminate true information and good references

  4. good way to promote oral health, specially now that people just follow trendies without think if that could be bad for their health in all sense not just in our area of work for example with those typical skin mask on pinterest.


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