best holidays ever!

 Hi there!  

 Today Im gonna to share you One of my best hollydays in my life, ironically were this one, I said ironically cause actually we don´t have vacations this year cause college finished at Febrary, and we just had free that month, but I really enjoy these short time.
The firsts weeks I came back to my city,  Iquique, and I spend some time with my fam, I mised them a lot during the year,  days later  college Friends came to visit me, we have a lot of fun, we hang out, and enjoy the beach, also we visit the prairie villages. So yeah, I show them my Little town.

Then when my Friends left, I traveled to the chilean Patagonia with my family  and I had a lot of fun and almost freeze myself. 

We visit a lot of places, historical and naturals, but my favorites were  the nature ones, specially Perito moreno national park at Argentina and Torres del Paine, where I made trecking.
I really enjoy trecking cause the views of course, but also cause I could share with a lot of people of diferent  countries, actually my family and i were the uniques chileans.  

And thats where my holidays this year, I enjoy it a lot, and I made a lot of tourism so I finished exact, actually I didnt spend any day doing nothing, I missed that this vacations, laying out on my bed with netflix,  but I wouldn´t change nothing. See you next week!



  1. The south is the best! Nice you enjoyed your time along with your family. Travelling to the Chilean Patagonia is one of the greatest experiences ever! Now I need to go and check the pile of photographs I got when visiting last year!

  2. very good holidays, I wish one day go to visit you again to Iquique, we had a wonderful time.

  3. it looks like some amazing holidays, If I had the chance I'd love go to the patagonia. by the other hand I loved spend some vacations with you, I loved iquique, it has so much historical places and astonishing sunsets.


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